School tournament

My first school tournament when I was 15 years old. The first tournament I ever played was at wangsa walk bowl. There were so many competitors and I was getting nervous. But then I have my friends and family who supported me from behind. As soon as the game started I started to warm myself up and started my free throw. I was so nervous I threw my ball at (longkang) haha. Then my father said to me ‘just relax and bowl like you used to’ that word really inspired me. So I bowl just like I used to after that I got a strike! The bowling tournament has 4 games. In the end I only got 22nd place out of 100 participants. It was kind of blue to get 22nd place but what can I do, I have done my best. But my group school we’ve got 1st place and of course it is not because of me haha but I contribute something. Hey that’s better than nothing. After that at the age of 16 I played for my school again and this time I’ve got 15th place. I’m getting better and of course my school group got 1st place again because my team was very strong. We were the best among the best. At the age of 17 which is my last year of school and my last year playing for school and I had to do what I had to. I was the captain because I’m the senior for the bowling club. This time my group school got 2nd places because my team is not like it used to be. But on the bright side I’ve got 10th place and Daerah Gombak want me to play for their team. How lucky am i! 
        my medals during the tournament 3rd place! and my teammates of course

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