
Today i only play bowling as my hobby or as my part time sport. i can't focus just for bowling. i have a life though haha. No la actually because now i'm study and i really do not have a time for bowling. before I've entered college i will to training at Endah Parade every weekend to become more professional but right now i can't because i live in kuantan and its hard for me to go back to KL every weekend just because of bowling. so i quit when i played for Daerah Gombak. it is kinda sad to leave that one thing you love the most but somehow we have to let it go eventually. sooner or later you get used to it. right now i only play bowling with my family during the weekends and i do not enter any competition or tournament. at least i still have my skills. so guys if you want to play bowling with me call me maybe? kahkah. below you can see this is me playing bowling as my hobby

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