Mental and physical

Bowling is not just physical games but also for mental as well. You have to work hard on your conditioning and “physical game” to make it happen. However, once you step up to compete and it counts, the percentages flip flop. Being successful is 95% mental and 5% physical. You have the conditioning, technique and the proper strategy, now you have to make sure that you stay calm under pressure and keep yourself focused on the right things. For example, your concentration needs to stay in the moment, on rolling one ball at a time. If you let your mind jump ahead to the future, (i.e. thinking about winning or losing) or slip back to the past (i.e. a previous mistake or bad match), then you’ll end up getting yourself too uptight and distracted to perform to your potential. This means that you have to be able to rebound quickly from your mistakes and not carry them into the next string or match
can you handle your mental and physical while playing for tournament? 

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