
Bowling is an excellent exercise for your body. Don’t take bowling as only a fun sport to play. If you love to play the game, you're not alone. According to The Bowling Foundation, more than 25 percent of Americans bowl each year, making it the nation's largest participation sport. Besides being a fun and competitive game, bowling also offers you numerous health benefits.  The first one is strength. Body strength is required for carrying the ball (and the heavier the ball you can use is often better for performance), and strength is required to hold body positions to correctly execute the skill of bowling. Resistance exercises can help develop your strength, so you should focus on upper and lower body strength, as well as core body strength. The second one is power. Upper body power is important in the bowling delivery. Improvements in strength gained through resistance exercises; in combination with power exercises such as medicine ball throwing can develop your power. The third one is flexibility. Being flexible enables you to perform the actions of bowling and those who are more flexible will have a much lower risk of muscle strains and sprains. You should perform regular stretching exercises as part of your warm up and at other times to improve your flexibility. thus this make Bowling is good for your health benefits.
This is the example of a good throw and a good exercise for your body

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